This Week In React #75: Hydrogen, MUI, anti-patterns, useReducer, OTA, Skia, JSI, Reanimated, Rome, Rust, Bun, Partytown...
This week in React
👉 Chat with Swyx & Sunil
👉 Shopify Hydrogen
👉 MUI v5
👉 React antipatterns
👉 useIsMounted
👉 useReducer
👉 Expo OTA
👉 Skia Breakout
👉 Reanimated Layout anim
👉 Colorwaver
👉 Smart client vs Smart server
👉 Rome ➡️ Rust
👉 Partytown
🧵 Details 👇
1/ 🎧 Podcast with @swyx & @threepointone about various React-related topics
Really interesting discussion, a lot of insights/opinions:
- state machines
- Gatsby 4 vs Next.js
- why swc is a better fit for Next.js
First time I read about Hydrogen & Bun
2/ 🎦 Hydrogen by @ShopifyDevs
🙉 Slipped under my radar
CEO @tobi says React is about to reach the sweet spot for e-commerce
WIP meta-framework for Shopify
Custom hooks/comps
All-in on React server-components
Using Vite
Deploy on Oxygen platform
3/ MUI v5.0 by @olivtassinari
Popular Material-UI lib for React rebrands to MUI
JSS ➡️ Emotion (SC option)
sx prop
Unstyled/headless comps
New product line MUI X
Also interesting: share strategy to make the open-source project sustainable
4/ React anti-patterns to avoid by @IskanderSamatov
Great list of very common anti-patterns I see regularly.
Creating a React comp in render is something you might do without even knowing, even if you know it's bad 😅
7/ Gatsby 4 on Netlify by @ascorbic
@GatsbyJS 4 released new features recently: server-side-rendering & deferred static generation
I predicted last week @Netlify would support those new features, but it was already the case 😆
9/ Breakout demo using Skia on React-Native by @chrfalch & @wcandillon
Why this matters?
Flutter renders everything with Skia -
We’re creating a view in React Native that lets you decide when to use Skia
13/ Why do Webdevs keep trying to kill REST?
@swyx reflects on the REST vs GraphQL debate and realize it's more about Smart Clients vs Servers
Nice overview of the ecosystem
Explains tradeoffs: UX, DX, perf, security, bandwidth, type-safety...