Hi everyone!The English version of this newsletter only started recently, but still... 🥳️ this week I'm celebrating the 2nd anniversary of this newsletter 🥂, considering the very first French edition was sent 2 years ago.I'm preparing a Remix website. That would be awesome if you could write me a public testimonial on Twitter or LinkedIn. I will need some for the upcoming landing page, to convince potential subscribers with social proof 😏.I already have some great feedback (thanks 🙏), but those are mostly replies, reshares, comments. I'd like to collect a few public testimonials (ability to link to them) where you explain why you like this newsletter, and where the text can be well-understood in isolation: this is best fit for a landing page.In case you want to know more about the story behind this newsletter, I created an Indie Hacker page where I build in public. I plan to update it every month.🙏 Support the newsletter: 😘 Recommend it to your friends: it really helps!💸 Sponsorise This Week In React😍 Write testimonials on Twitter🧵 Retweet the latest Twitter thread📨 Reply to this email: feedback is welcome
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This Week In React #94: 2 years 🥳️…
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Hi everyone!The English version of this newsletter only started recently, but still... 🥳️ this week I'm celebrating the 2nd anniversary of this newsletter 🥂, considering the very first French edition was sent 2 years ago.I'm preparing a Remix website. That would be awesome if you could write me a public testimonial on Twitter or LinkedIn. I will need some for the upcoming landing page, to convince potential subscribers with social proof 😏.I already have some great feedback (thanks 🙏), but those are mostly replies, reshares, comments. I'd like to collect a few public testimonials (ability to link to them) where you explain why you like this newsletter, and where the text can be well-understood in isolation: this is best fit for a landing page.In case you want to know more about the story behind this newsletter, I created an Indie Hacker page where I build in public. I plan to update it every month.🙏 Support the newsletter: 😘 Recommend it to your friends: it really helps!💸 Sponsorise This Week In React😍 Write testimonials on Twitter🧵 Retweet the latest Twitter thread📨 Reply to this email: feedback is welcome